Fifth graders at International School of Portland work hard to prepare for the IB Exhibition, the culminating event for PYP students. It is a special Unit of Inquiry designed and executed by the students themselves. Children write lines of inquiry, gather data, conduct investigations, take action, and present this experience in a public forum.
Exhibition is even more unique at International School of Portland because students often connect their topics to their 5th grade Capstone Study Abroad trips. While on their trips, students have visited factories, distributed questionnaires, and conducted interviews (even with a town mayor!) about their topic of interest to gather data in their host countries. Students also look more locally to research, investigate, and take action in their communities. Past topics have included artificial intelligence, animal rights, women's rights, and more. Not only do students conduct first-hand research, but they also take action by sharing about themselves with their families and community.
The process, not the product, is the most important feature of the Exhibition. The Exhibition provides students with the opportunity to show their skills as independent learners.