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Global Kids FAQ

How do I enroll?
Families may register and enroll in Global Kids Extended-day Program online in CampSite. You will need to create an account if it is your first time enrolling. Each year you will be asked to complete new registration forms.

How do I pay program fees?
Families will pay online using autopay through their CampSite account with a debit or credit card. Families may change their payment information on file within their CampSite account. Billing will occur on or after the 25th of the current month for the upcoming month’s program fees. All Global Kids fees will be automatically signed up for autopay at the time of enrollment.

What is the fee payment schedule?
The total cost of attending the Global Kids Program for the full school year is broken down into ten monthly payments throughout the school year, from August through May. Prorates will not be issued for families who begin or end Global Kids in the middle of the month.

What hours will my child be enrolled in the program?
Global Kids Hours for regular after school programming are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:30-5:30pm and Wednesday from 2:30-5:30pm. Alternative Day (No school day) hours are from 8:00am- 3:30pm.

Is Global Kids open on school conference days?
Yes, Global Kids is open on many no school days pending enrollment minimums are met. Global Kids is closed on holidays and some in-service days.

What if I am running late to pick up my child?
Students must be picked up by 5:30pm or a late pick-up fee will be charged. The late pick-up fee is $2 per every minute late, rounded up to the nearest five minutes. Please call Global Kids immediately if you are running late to let us know your ETA.

Can my child drop in to Global Kids?
We do not currently offer drop-in care at Global Kids.

Are there any discounts?
Global Kids offers a 10% sibling discount on the activity fees for families with more than one student enrolled. The discount will be applied to the second and subsequent siblings who enroll, on the less expensive option.

How do I withdraw my child from Global Kids? Will I get a refund?

  • Refunds will not be issued for program fees in order to provide consistent compensation for our staff.
  • If a child drops the program mid-month, the fees for the remainder of the month will not be refunded.
  • Cancellations must be requested in writing by the 20th of the month in order to withdraw from the program and not be billed for the following month. For cancellations made after the 20th of the previous month, the full monthly fees will be due for the coming month. Please submit change or cancellation requests in writing to
  • For Alternative Days, cancellations may be made in writing to Cancellations made more than one week (7 days) prior to the Alternative Day will receive a refund of the remaining fees after the non-refundable reservation fee.

What are the non-refundable reservation fees?

  • For after school program monthly fees – $100 per day of the week enrolled- billed at the time of enrollment. Remaining fees are billed in 10 monthly payments on or after the 25th of each month for the following month. 
  • For Alternative Days- $25 per day- billed at the time of enrollment. Remaining fees are billed on or after 7 days before the Alternative Day.

Will my child keep their spot in Global Kids in the event that there is a closure for public health reasons?
Once your child is enrolled in the Global Kids program, a spot will be reserved for them for the entire school year unless a family member withdraws them from the program. In the event of a public health closure, your child will return to their spot in the program if the program reopens during the same school year. Fees will not be refunded due to COVID-19 cancellations in order to maintain consistent compensation for staff.