What does it mean to become a Principled Person?
The IBO defines a principled person as someone who “…acts with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.” (ibo.org, 2009) At ISP we will explore the "Principled" learner profile through identifying and learning about principled leaders in history. Students are invited to bring in a small image of someone he/she considers to be a principled person from the past or present and post it on one of the bulletin board in Hilltop.
Students learn more about this learner profile trait during homeroom, specialist, and library classes and weekly assemblies through stories, games and sharing.
Parents, if you observe your child being principled, please let him or her know! Your positive comments will help to reinforce this profile as well as to provide examples as good actions occur. Another good idea is to discuss some common phrases and what they actually mean. What does it mean to compromise your principles? What does it mean to stand up for your principles?